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San Diego County Criminal Records

Understanding San Diego County Criminal Records

As one of the largest counties in California, San Diego has a lot of criminal activity. From drug related offenses to property crimes and vandalism, this county with it's 17 cities, has a large diversity with it's criminal activities. Because of this the criminal justice system is hard at work and there is a high demand for criminal record inquiries


Since criminal convictions are considered public records, anyone has the right to access this information. In this article, we will provide you with practical steps to access these records and show you what resources are available online. Whether you're a lawyer, a researcher, or a concerned citizen, this guide will help you locate the information you are looking for.



What Are Criminal Records and Why Are They Important?

Essentially, are official documents that detail convictions in a court of law. They encompass a wide range of information related to crimes that were committed from misdemeanors and felonies, to infractions and traffic citations. About one in three adults have some form of a criminal record, according to a 2023 report by the National State Legislators. While many of these are merely traffic citations, there is a large number of adults that also have misdemeanors and felonies.


These are important because they can negatively affect a person's livelihood, from increased auto insurance rates to not being able to get gainful employment. There is a myriad of long-term consequences of having a criminal history. In San Diego specifically drug related crimes are at the top of the list and so are DUIs and various traffic violations. Property crimes and violent crimes are also at the top of the list. Like any large modern city, crime is a big factor in public safety and this county takes that very seriously. In recent years, the crime rate has gone down compared with other California counties, which is a factor of the city prioritizing the safety of it's citizens.

Criminal Records

How to Search San Diego Criminal Records Online

Searching for San Diego County criminal records can be done in several ways, some are resources offer more information than others. The most common method is through online databases provided by county agencies, or third party resources. Here are some of these online options:


The SD Superior Court: The main trial court of the county maintains an online portal for case searches. This includes criminal cases, making it a good resource for looking up criminal court cases, convictions, and sentencing records.

The SD County Sheriff's Office: This Sheriff's Department offers a local criminal history report for a fee. There are limitations with this resource as it only applies to local criminal offenses. If you want to run a comprehensive background check that is statewide, there are other options.

Third Party Public Record Sites: These resources will allow users to run a criminal background check on anyone which includes local, state and nationwide resources. These are good options to get a more detailed report about a person's conviction history. These resources are easy to use and offer quick results, but they are mostly intended for personal research and reference.

Department of Justice: If you need an official fingerprint background check then the California Department of Justice offers a service you can sue. You must show up in person to get fingerprinted, and then fill out the required documentation. These will show a person's complete criminal history, even records that might not be available through other resources. These are typically reserved for security clearances or for job applications that require specific licensing.



Privacy Restrictions on Accessing Records

Privacy laws, expungement, and sealed records can affect access to criminal records. Privacy laws also protect certain information from public view, such as sensitive information, or records involving juveniles or minors. Expungement, on the other hand, is a legal process that removes a conviction from a person's criminal record. Once a record is expunged, it is no longer accessible to the public.



Are San Diego Criminal Records Considered Public?

Yes, all criminal records, which include criminal convictions, court records, arrests, warrants, incarcerations, DUIs and traffic citations are public record. The only exception are those records that are sealed or expunged from public view.



How Do I Run a San Diego Criminal Background Check on Someone?

One of the easiest ways to run a criminal background check on someone is to use a public records site. These resources allow people to gain instant access to someone's criminal history which includes all their convictions, DUIs, court records, and everything else you would normally find in a background check.


Criminal Records Search